Well with WMC fast approaching. The jaxlore team is abridged this year but able and ready to give you the online coverage you need. While our stint will only be four days, there are ten glorious days you could potentially by cutting a rug. Instead of my usual, you should go to this party or that, I will impart some tried and true advice while searching for the perfect beat in the miami heat.
First off parties lists. If your going to Ultra you obviously have a ridiculous amount of DJs and live performances at your disposal. So of course unless your looking to party 24×7 then check the lineup yo! If you want some after hours action read on my friend. You really have to full on lists. The official WMC party rooster is called The List, is a little rough html wise but has improved with age. The other major contender is Resident Advisor’s WMC 2012 coverage section. It’s a little prettier and has some good reviews on some of the parties, but beware you need to check booth lists if you are a discerning disco enthusiast because not all parties are always listed on booth sites (boo hoo on the promoters). And parties pop up almost until conference, so if you missed you tix to that favorite show, don’t worry you’ll get your groove on.
RA also has a tickets sales system for some parties which brings us too where should you buy your tickets? Well besides RA, Wanttickets.com has an extensive list of parties it sells tickets for there might be a buck or two difference in price but not noticeable, of course you will find the occasional party that bucks the system and sell its own tickets. Heck if you got a WMC pass you already know the deal and will be getting discounted admission to many parties, but not all (ie anything on a boat you best be checking the wmc badge policy). For that matter for you badge holding folks it’s a good idea to double check the badge policy for all events, hence you arrive and are stuck outside your favorite djs show unable to get past a very surly doorman. BTW Ultra is sold out so sorry if you dont have a ticket you will be spending some ridiculous amount of money if you try and by one on the street. One more thing. Print your tickets!!! and don’t lose your id! If there is any sort of problem at the door at least you will have your print out to prove that yes you paid $80 something dollars for a night of musical bliss and need to get your dance on. One year we found somebody’s passport on the street. Also hold on to your belongings when your dancing and have had a few drinks it’s easy to lose things (ie phone, money, wallet.)
That leads us to our next section, the free parties! Yes there are plenty a lot are during the day but not all. Do a thorough digging through said lists above and you will find a good showing this year. Read the fine print some need you to register ahead of time. These parties can really be exiting sometimes, fresh sounds and up and comers. That being said you might have to bounce around a little, the hype machine is always strong on said parties and sometimes they are not always what they seem. Also if your favorite dj of all time is playing at a free venue, get there early because there is good chance you are not the only one who will mob that hotel lobby.
Timing. Ok your are in Miami, and it is very easy to get burnt out. You need food and plenty or water and yes sleep to keep the dancing machine going. So do a little planning. Remember if you arrive at a party to hear one dj and there are 20 other djs that you could care less about you best be ready to boogie on down all night or you never know how many a bad mixes you might have to suffer through to get to that one gem.
Ok last one, I promise. The Culture. You are in one of coolest cities in the south east. Get out there! There’s amazing and exciting foods to be found all over, no need to eat at chain restaurants. Use your favorite
So have fun, we certainly will. For me Miami never gets old, the sun, the music and the culture just keep me coming back.