Dan D’Mantra Memorial Celebration @ TSI Friday, 9/21 with Todd Gonzalez, Josh Binczak, The Influence, Phat Phil Mansfield, MC RT, Ofay, The Pranksta, Cram, Mechanizedsource, Dox, Megatron, Prez Cricket, Mr. Cynic, Chris Fog, Goldfinger, Infader, Trevor Rockwell and MC Shawn Mancini. 21:00 – 03:00. $5. 333 E Bay St, Downtown.
Lure @ Square One this Saturday, 9/8 with Jason Short, Ted Lane, Aware and DJ Anonymous. 21:00 – 02:30. $3/$5. 1974 San Marco Blvd, San Marco.
Keoki is supposed to be at Lava (old Plush) Saturday night 9/8 with Larry Banks but the FB event page link on eNation does not work and the RaveLinks and Allevents notices are short on info. Maybe this’ll be like all those 90s parties in the NY style that are suppposed to be so faaabulous, dahling and even though you’re drenched in CKone you just end up feeling dirty…..and tired of hearing ‘Higher State Of Consciousness’. 22:00 – 04:00. 845 University Blvd N, Arlington.
Ok, more in a little bit…
TOTD: JD/NM/GJ – Trezzz