Pitchfork folks interviewed mr tom york. you may know him from a crazy episode of space ghost were bjork got married to the ghost and moltar(sp) wanted fight tom with knives or you may know him from his new album…the eraser.
here is a few excerpts:
Pitchfork: Were there moments when you didn’t feel like getting back together with the band?
TY: Yeah, we have them all the time. It’d be deeply unhealthy if it weren’t like that. And that’s not just instigated by me. Sometimes people just have enough– they just can’t deal with it anymore.
Pitchfork: And even [Radiohead guitarist] Jonny [Greenwood] beat you to [a solo album]. You had to. So when it came to creating the songs on The Eraser, you wrote them knowing they were for the Thom Yorke record– not candidates for a Radiohead album?
TY: Yeah. Early on it was like, “Oh shit, maybe I should try this with the band,” but once I actually sat down with [producer] Nigel [Godrich], I basically said, “Well, fuck it. It all goes in…that’s where I am at the moment.”
There were unsatisfying things about it because I tend to be lazy in certain ways. Given the choice, I wouldn’t bother making arrangements– I would just do whatever on the day. That’s where Nigel fits. Forcing me to respond to what’s in front of [us].
Pitchfork: So you already needed that sort of task master– now you guys have been in the studio with a lot less structure since you left your former label.
TY: To be fair, the label never said, “Come on [claps]. We need this, we need this.” It was always our choice, but obviously once the record was made, all hell broke loose.
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