Sometimes a good album can really capture a moment. You can listen over and over again and really get pulled in so deep by every song that you feel the artist made this album just for you. ADA’s Meine zarten Pfoten (My Tender Paws) does just that. This emotional ride down ADA’s river of house flows seamlessly from beginning to end. Likely takes us through a rollercoaster of feelings but it’s so beautiful that you don’t care and just let it wash over you. At the gateseemed a little out of place at first glance, but once it picks up you recognize the ADA that is not only a melodic seamstress but a force on dancefloor as well. While her Jazz singerinterpretation gets to show off her penchant for pop R&B, its Happy Birthday that knocks my socks off and has me spinning round the room. I am really starting to dig Pampa records, DJ Koze and Markus Finks outing, if they keep putting quality releases like this they’ve got a convert. Give it a listen here.